Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Host prt. 6

In chapter 21, I thought there was a quote that I thought was significant. When Wanderer and Jaime, Melanie's brother have a chance to be alone together, Jaime brings up how Wanderer ended up in Melanie's body. He asks "That planet you were coming from before you were in Melanie, ... what was it like there? Was it like here?" (pg. 207) I thought this was significant because it shows that people are starting to open up to Wanderer and notice she's not as dangerous as they thought she was. Also the fact that Jaime is Melanie's brother makes it more significant and shows he's trying to make an effort to get to know and understand the person who is in his sisters body.

Something else I thought was significant in the same chapter was " These were not the tears of a child, and that made them more profound made it more sacred and painful that he would cry them in front of me. This was the grief of a man at the funeral for his entire family. (pg. 210) Jaime starts to cry because he's thinking of his family while Wanderer tells him how she got in her sisters body. I thought this quote was significant because it shows that not everyone in this hiding place is as strong as they seem I think Jaime's actions show how everyone feels on the inside. They know their family members have either been captured by the seekers or are hiding somewhere they don't know. These people in the hiding place where Wanderer is hiding, I think want to show these emotions but can't because they want to seem strong and intimidating to Wanderer.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Learning Curve Article

For this post, I'm going to blog about an article I recently read in Teen Vogue Magazine. The article is called learning curve and captures the events of two high school juniors and what they went through during some disturbing incidents when visiting colleges they were thinking of attending.

In the article, Sarah, a high school junior went on an overnight visit to a small college in Connecticut. When she arrived she was warmly welcomed and felt the acceptance from college students immediately. Not soon after arriving, her host for the night thought they should attend a friend's party. "It sounded fun." Sarah recalled. "But then we got in the car and drove for close to 45 minutes." She ended up at a party that was totally off campus and was very frightened for she was only seventeen at the time. The article stated that Sarah is actually not alone when it comes to this type of experience. According to a study from Students Against Destructive Decisions and Liberty Mutual Group, 39.1% of teens who go on an overnight college visit report drinking, using drugs, or engaging in sexual activity during their stay, with 12.4% engaging in all three.

This article made me question a view on visits to colleges. If this is how things "play out" on a regular college overnight visit, this may make students reconsider visiting and experiencing the colleges they most want to attend. Even though the events that played out during Sarah's experience may have happened because of poor decision making and wanting to "fit in", these types of things should not happen when a high school student is visiting maybe one of their dream schools. It not only puts a bad reputation on for the school, but it also puts students visiting in danger and might make them reconsider the school they want to attend.

Another student, by the name of Maya, stayed overnight at a school she thought she wanted to attend. And when she was there, the students from the college basically wanted to throw a party for her to get drunk. Even though Maya knew it was a wrong decision, she wanted to fit in and therefore did get drunk that night.

Even though when visiting a college and things like this happen, there are precautions one can take before the overnight stay. Brian Glassberg a counsler at John P. Stevens High School in Edison, New Jersey states that his students view the visit as an assignment and not a vacation. "Treat it as though you're a boss interviewing the school and when you meet your host, ask if you can also meet the dorm's resident advisor." These steps can help you and guide you on your overnight stay at a college.

Overall, I thought the article was informative and precautioning high school students to stand their ground if anything should happen like what happened to Sarah and Maya. It also gave me an insight to what to expect if I ever want to go visit a school on an overnight. Because these college visits are sure coming down the road quickly and I know I want to be prepared as much as possible for anything that can happen.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Host Prt. 5

For this post, I have found some significant quotes.

"I'd already known that she was more to me than a resistant host who made life unnecessarily difficult. We'd become companions, even confidants during out past weekends together... (pg. 164).

We see in this particular quote that Wanderer and Melanie are becoming very close and helping each other. When they were taken into hiding with Jeb, who found them in the desert, they began helping one another through their thoughts and feelings about certain events. For instance, when Wanderer meets Jaime, Melanie's little brother for the first time, Melanie becomes very sad by the fact Jaime does not think Melanie is still present. Wanderer helps Melanie through her struggle, and grants Melanie's wishes to stay in control and to help her brother get through his struggles as well.

Another quote I found that was significant was on page 186.

At this point in the story, Jared who was Melanie's love, doesn't like the host inside Melanie's body and thinks Melanie is dead. Therefore, he has punched Wanderer and abused her not only physically, but also through words as well. Ian, who is one of Jared's friends, witness's Jared being quite mean to Wanderer and begins to feel guilty for her. "Just because she isn't human, do you think that means she doesn't feel pain?" (pg. 186). I think this quote is significant because it shows that people are starting to realize that Wanderer is no harm to them and that she is not going to turn them in to the seekers. It also shows that Wanderer is experiencing the feelings people go through in life which is what I think is bringing her closer to Melanie.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Host Prt. 4

On the Move. Right now "Melanie" is trying to find her brother and Jared, the love of her life. Not many significant events have happened except, somehow Melanie's uncle finds her when she's about to die in the desert. From the scorching heat, and hardly any water or food, Melanie tries to stay alive in the desert through persistence and courage. Wanderer who is the alien soul in her body, is not used to this type of weather. And does not know how to react to the blazing heat. Melanie helps Wanderer so she and her body can stay alive.