Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fiction Book prt. 6

At this point in the story, Mattie is still contemplating weather or not to read these mysterious letters that Grace Brown, one of the murder victims, asked her to burn. Mattie feels this pressure because she thinks that Grace wouldn't be pleased with her reading them, but she also feels that these letters might help figure out who killed Grace.

Meanwhile, Mattie has taken her exams that will determine weather or not she will get accepted into college. She has worked very hard and has studied a great amount for these exams and is hoping she will get into college to full fill her dreams of writing.

There is alot of back and forth between past and present in this novel and we're still in the stage where we're finding out about characters and development of them to see how they play out in the novel.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I would read the letters. I wouldn't even need to think about it. I would just be afraid that someone would then come murder me. Maybe Grace was murdered because of the letters,or at least they might have something to do with it. This sounds like such a good story!