Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ficton book prt. 7

For this post I'm going to write a letter to Jennifer Donnelly the author.

Dear Ms. Donnelly,
I have found your book to be quite entertaining and true to life. It deals with a lot of coming of age problems that we as teenagers must face during the course of our lives. It shows us how to become stronger people and listen to what's inside of us and not just what people around us think. I appreciate the fact that Mattie is such a strong character in a sense that she has an independent spirit and does not care what people think of her. She's very strong willed and also cares for her family to the point of fighting for them. I think one of my favorite parts in the book is when Miss Wilcox, Mattie's school teacher, reveals herself to be Emily Baxter, a famous poet of that time period who wrote poetry that was so controversial that she has to go under a different name. This is as I see it a pivital point in the novel because we finally see why Miss Wilcox wants to help Mattie achieve her dream of going to college.

I think it's very interesting how the murder of Grace Brown was incorporated into the novel. It makes stories that much more interesting when a real historical event is placed in the novel as a back story to something fictional that is happening. In the back of the book it shows all of the research that was taken into putting in Grace Browns story.

A Northern Light is a great book in that it has real history and fiction put into a book that all ages would enjoy.

1 comment:

Hailey said...

Katherine- I loved the letter that you wrote and it is cool how your book can relate to teenagers like us. I am also glad to hear that you are really enjoying reading it. I hope that you keep reading and you still like the book. Happy reading!